91色播 Hello Kitty将登大银幕,改编动画电影将于2019年上映
Hello Kitty will appear in an animated feature set for release in 2019, according to an article by Deadline. The white Japanese bobtail cat with a red bow and six symmetrical whiskers will star in the film project with an estimated budget of $160 million to $240 million.据Deadline报谈,凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)动画电影将于2019年上映。这只头戴红色蝴蝶结、有六根对称髯毛的白色日本短尾猫将在电影中亮相,影片预算在1.6亿好意思元到2.4亿好意思元之间。
Hello Kitty was created in 1975 by the Sanrio lifestyle company that specializes in the cute sector of Japanese popular culture. The company's managing director Rehito Hatoyama will oversee the Hello Kitty film project. Hello Kitty, according to her official character profile, was born in the suburbs of London and her full name is Kitty White. The character's height has been described as five apples tall and her weight as three apples. Hello Kitty has been portrayed as a friendly and kind girl and has been well received over the decades.1975年,专注于萌系日本流行文化的三丽鸥公司创造了凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)的形象。三丽鸥公司常务鸠山玲东谈主将担任电影监制。把柄其官方东谈主物质地,凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)的出身地是伦敦郊区,她的全名是凯蒂·怀特(Kitty White)。据刻画,她的身高颠倒于5个苹果,体重颠倒于3个苹果。凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)被塑形成一个友好和善的女孩形象,几十年来一直很受接待。
The character early was marketed to young girls with products ranging from dolls to school supplies to backpacks. Sanrio has since expanded the target market to include teenagers and adults with branded products such as purses, luggage and laptops. The Japanese icon last year was worth about $7 billion.早期,凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)的形象繁衍出了一系列居品,包括玩偶、文具、书包,主要面向仙女。尔后,三丽鸥公司还将市集受众扩大到青少年和成年东谈主,推出了钱包、行李箱、条记本电脑等品牌居品。动作日本的标记性卡通形象,前年,凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)的身价在70亿好意思元傍边。
Vocabularybobtail: 短尾猫 symmetrical: 对称漫步的